Validate Electronic Signature

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Validates a qualified electronic signature

Certification Services

In the process of approval by the National Directorate of Electronic Signature of the Public Registry of Panama.

Issuance of Qualified Electronic Signature

The Qualified Electronic Signature allows you to sign all types of documents with the same legal value as a handwritten signature.

Issuance of Qualified Electronic Seal

The Qualified Electronic Seal allows companies and government organizations to automatically stamp documents from servers and programmed computers.

Timestamping and Chronological Stamping

Add time stamping and chronological stamping to the signature or seal of your company or government institution’s documents. In this way you will protect their integrity by leaving the time and date of the signature stamped, which will be fully recognized.

Verification of Signatures and Seals

If you receive or plan to receive a high volume of electronically signed documents with a Qualified Electronic Signature, rest assured that they have been signed with signatures issued by Accredited Providers in Panama.

Electronic Signature for Invoices

Download the Electronic Signature you need to sign the invoices that you or your company issue. This electronic signature is necessary to comply with the regulations established by the DGI.

Single-Use Qualified Electronic Signature

Service designed for companies or government institutions whose clients or taxpayers need to sign documents but do not have an electronic signature. This service creates an electronic signature for the signer at the exact moment of signing, based on the analysis of the signer’s biometrics using artificial intelligence.

How to Sign?

Once you have a Qualified Electronic Signature from Firmatech, you will be able to sign in multiple ways with the same legal value as a handwritten signature.

Download Our App

Our app allows you to sign any PDF from your mobile device using the Qualified Electronic Signature from Firmatech.

Download our desktop client

Get Firmatech’s Qualified Electronic Signature and sign documents from your computer.

Use our API

Integrate any document management system or platform through our API. Enable your collaborators, clients, suppliers, and key individuals to sign using a Qualified Electronic Signature within your signing workflow.

Sign documents on the go

Inquiry about our signature workflow solution.

Send review and signature requests to clients, employees, business partners, suppliers, and anyone who needs to sign a document. Ideal for business proposals, legal agreements, and any business or government signature workflow, regardless of the organization’s size. If individuals don’t have a Qualified Electronic Signature, this service is 100% compatible with the Single-Use Qualified Electronic Signature. This means that a Qualified Electronic Signature can be generated for the signer immediately, exclusively for signing the specific document.


Explore our educational articles and become an expert in electronic signatures.


We are a company accredited by the National Directorate of Electronic Signature of the Public Registry of Panama. Our Infrastructure hosted in Europe complies with Panamanian and European regulations with the purpose of providing you with the greatest security and supporting you in any digital transformation process.